Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
A Hero's Tribute.Org creates online memorials and portrait keepsakes for families of fallen military, first responders and medical workers who sacrificed their lives fighting the covid-19. We work with each family taking their precious photos and memories that they would like to share. As a country, we need to let them know that their fallen hero will never be forgotten.

Help Support A Hero's Tribute

Shop in our Etsy Shops and a portion of all sales will benefit the cost of postage needed to mail 10 x 8 memorial portraits to families of our country's fallen heroes.
Baby | Birthday | Care Packages | Children's Gifts | Coffee and Tea | Easter | Fall Gifts | Father's Day | Gardening Gifts | Get Well | Gifts for Men | Gifts for Women | Halloween | Holiday | Meat and Cheeses | Mini Baskets Mother's Day | New Arrivals | New Home | Pet Gifts | Plush | Snack Baskets | Specialty Food | Sports St. Patrick's Day | Sympathy Gifts | Thank You Gifts | Valentines | Wedding - Romance
Our keepsake line includes designs for Births-Christenings | Birthdays| Graduations | Weddings Anniversaries | Family Reunions | Memorials | Pet Memorials | Valentine | Easter | Mother's Day | Father's Day | Thanksgiving & Christmas.
All of our designs can be printed on Portraits | Canvas | Acrylic Panels and Photo Blocks | Mugs and Porcelain Plates
Click on banners to visit each Etsy shop

Men and women in our country volunteer every day to serve and protect each of us, like firefighters, police officers and those who serve in our military.
They never seek glory or thanks, and they do not consider themselves as heroes. They will tell you up front that they were only doing their job, but in fact, they are heroes.

First responder's and heath care professionals selflessly
faced the corona virus pandemic head on and cared for, and still caring for, patients that suffered from the virus. Sadly many of these true heroes scarified their lives doing what they loved and were called to do in life.
All over our nation these heroes are being shown appreciation for their hard work and continued service. Those that made the ultimate sacrifice will always be in the hearts of this country and A Hero's Tribute joins so many others to pay tribute to these Heroes now Angels.

Moreover, when one of these heroes makes the ultimate sacrifice, the family is comforted by all the brothers and sisters in uniform, a sea of blue, and their community that are there to show their respects and condolences to their family. The family isn't able to see the funeral procession with the miles of law enforcement vehicles with lights flashing, or fire trucks and emergency vehicles doing the same, but, they know they are there.
There is such a strong bond, a brotherhood, in the law enforcement and the fire service. The families have support for years, and especially the children. When their mom or dad has died in the line of duty, the children in the blink of an eye, gain Aunts and Uncles they will have for the rest of their lives.