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Sara Jewel holds an MA in Bible Studies from South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary, and a BFA from Mass. College of Art.
Sara is president & founder of TeamofGod.Org and has graciously allowed us to come under the umbrella of her non-profit so that donations made to A Hero's Tribute.Org will be tax-deductible.
We are a 100% volunteer organization. All funds raised through sponsors and other fundraising event are used to provide families whose loved one was killed in the line of duty an online memorial and portrait keepsake.
We offer several ways to sponsor our memorials and programs.
Our Programs
8 x 10 memorial portraits
online memorial pages
Operation Puppet Hugs
Operation Prayer Pals
When you become a sponsor, you will receive a sponsorship certificate as well as our sponsor logo you may display on your website.
We are also looking for In-kind donations
Graphic Artists to help create memorial portraits (10 per month)
SEO Services
Grant Writers
Guest Bloggers
Contact us to share how you would like to help and get answers to any questions you may have on the form below.

We want to welcome our new corporate sponsors Scrapping Simply. They will be donating the 8 x 10 memorial portraits that we give families of Fallen Heroes They are also providing printing at cost for projects will are doing with Operation Prayer Pals.

We are so excited to introduce you to our new corporate sponsor Dave Sanders and all the gang at Puppets Inc. for donating the AWESOME Puppets we are going to use for our Operation Prayer Pals!

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