It’s difficult to believe that it has been more than twenty years since Princess Diana’s tragic death, but I like most people remember where and exactly what I was doing when first hearing the heart-breaking news.
It was absolutely remarkable not only to me, but I’m sure to literally millions of others just how much grief could be felt for a woman most of us had never met. In her short lifetime it's an absolute tribute to the fact that she was not only the people’s princess, but also their queen of hearts.
I also remember my mother telling me on one of the many occasions we would gaze at the stars over our family’s cottage that she’d often thought since her own mother’s passing, that the brightest star was actually my grandmother watching over her.
This is what inspired me to write A Mother’s Work Is Never Done and was also the catalyst several years later for my sending a copy to Prince William in anticipation of his July 1st, 2011 visit to my hometown of Ottawa, Ontario where he unselfishly shared in Canada’s 144th birthday celebrations on what was certainly a very difficult day, given it was also his late mother Diana’s 50th birthday.
On the eve of Prince William’s trip to Canada and much to my delight I received a letter from St. James Palace dated June 28th, informing me that His Royal Highness had not only read A Mother’s Work Is Never Done, but was deeply touched by its words of support and encouragement. It also included his warmest thanks and heartfelt best wishes.
In August 2011, I was then fortunate enough to have my insights regarding inspirational writing as well as both A Mother’s Work Is Never Done and the letter from Prince William referenced in Greetings Today Magazine’s feature article on verse, sentiment and sympathy entitled; “An Eloquent Send.”
Greetings Today Magazine is the United Kingdom's highest circulation business magazine for publishers, suppliers, buyers and retailers of greeting cards.
I will never forget how incredibly gratifying it was to think I had been allowed to touched the heart of a son, whose mother had touched so many of ours. As a result, I believe we should take time to reflect upon our most cherished memories, because whether your mother is still with you or not, she will always live in your heart.
So, for those still fortunate enough to have their mothers, I wish you and yours well, and for those who are not as blessed this is for you. I hope its message brings you joy.
A Mother’s Work Is Never Done
There are people, we cannot replace, debts we can never repay, times only we remember.
I recall your losing more than could be given, giving more than could be repaid, more times, than can be remembered.
My dreams are bountiful, your misgivings fueled my desire to succeed, your patience sustained me through adversity. I always strived to do the same.
When that which we had seems forever lost, I often look to the evening sky, for a glimpse of the brightest star.
It assures me, a mother’s work is never done and my journey has just begun.
©2000 Richard Lawrence Belford
“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” ― Rudyard Kipling
About the Author: Richard Lawrence Belford is an Inspirational Writer, a father of two daughters and the eldest of three sons who grew up in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He has been on a twenty-year creative journey that’s been fueled by his genuine desire to provide faith, comfort and hope to those in grief.

Richard's inspirational writings have been beautifully illustrated with photography on a series of wall plaques designed and made in the U.S.A. by Reed Photo Art & Imaging Inc.
A Mother’s Work Is Never Done is printed on metallic photographic paper and mounted on 8½’’ x 11’’ ⅜’’ inch thick pressboard with a UV protective laminate and contemporary black bevelled edge. It can also be custom ordered in 16’’x 20’’ and 24’’x 36'' sizes. For additional information regarding its availability please click here.

Richard has also written a book entitled; “It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later” that includes beautifully illustrated artwork, inspiring quotes and a collection of his inspirational parables, accompanied by the stories behind their creation. A parable by definition is a symbolic short story that illustrates or teaches some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson.
He trusts that his parables, along with these stories will stir some emotions in you that we’ve all felt, emotions that can help bring some small measure of solace to those grieving the loss of someone dear to their heart.
Now, although “It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later” is about loss, it’s also about the many lives and love shared by families & friends. Richard has dedicated the book to the memory and written its foreword as a tribute to the memory of his father. He hopes it makes him proud.
“It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later” is a beautifully illustrated full-color 8½’’ x 11’’ inspirational book and is available in a paperback or Kindle edition at: amazon.com
It can also be purchased at: barnesandnoble.com in the United States and chapters.indigo.ca in Canada.
Richard invites you to follow him on Instagram and Twitter, like his Author’s Facebook Page or visit the It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later Facebook Page and perhaps join the increasing number of people who believe this book will inspire you to always try & say;
“ I’ll see you later, instead of goodbye!”
He can be contacted by email at info@richardlawrencebelford.ca or please visit his website at www.richardlawrencebelford.ca for further information.