It’s hard to believe as we look ahead to yet another Father’s Day that my own father has been gone for three years now, as it is equally difficult to realize that it's been over two months since my brother in-law's wife passed away and less than ten weeks ago that my aunt lost her son.
As in most cases this also means that other family members have been grieving as well, having lost either a grandparent, a parent, a spouse, a child, a brother or brother in-law, a sister or sister in-law, an aunt or an uncle, a cousin and/or a close friend.
The point is everybody loses someone, but not all losses are the same, nor do we all grieve the same way or at the same pace. Just like every relationship is different, so is every loss, but they can end up sharing two very different and distinct characteristics, gratitude and regret.
It was with all these thoughts spinning through my mind, coupled with the following quote from "Remember" by English poet Christina Rossetti that inspired me to write the parable below.
" Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.” ~ Christina Rossetti ~
I truly hope "These Days” heartfelt message will stir some emotions in you that we’ve all felt; emotions that focus a more encouraging light not on a person's death, but on their life by helping provide those in grief with a measure of gratitude for what was and less regret about what remains.
In this life, we often leave or are left wishing we had just five more minutes, please take one of them to share this post on behalf of anyone who is grieving or missing their Dad this Father’s Day.

About the Author: Richard Lawrence Belford is the inspirational author whose twenty-year creative journey that has not only allowed him to become well published, but also fueled his genuine desire to provide faith, comfort and hope to those in grief.
Richard has written "It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later” an inspirational book about life, love and loss whose parables honor the memory of those dear to our heart. A parable is a symbolic short story that illustrates or teaches some truth, religious principle or moral lesson.

It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later is available from the Centering Corporation and Grief Digest Magazine’s Grief Resource Library and can also be purchased world-wide on, in the United States and in Canada on
Richard invites you to follow him on Instagram and Twitter @RichardLBelford, like his Author’s Facebook Page or visit the “It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Later Facebook Page” and join the increasing number of people who believe this book will inspire you to always say; “I’ll see you later, instead of goodbye!”
He can be contacted by email at or visit his website at: for further information.
